Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
5th International Symposium for HMG & ADC
Dr.Abdulaziz Al Ajaji Dental Poly Clinics
Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group
One Day Dental Treatment
Al Towaiq Palace, Diplomatic Quarter
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
27 – 28 May 2009
Welcome Address
Dr. Sulaiman Al-Habib Medical groups is seeking to proceeding the latest medical development in all specialization which comes through out organizing all the international medical conference. Previously, a lot of international conference about blood diseases, as well as sterility treatment and childbearing’s assistant and other of annual international conference.
The Medical groups are inviting international speaker from USA, Europe and the Middle East countries. The conference of this year is going to be organized in cooperation with Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Ajaji polyclinics. Very important topics have been selected to be interrogated, also the latest scientific developments of diagnosis and treatment which is related to dentistry.
Such an international conference will give a chance for dentist, specialists and dental technicians in KSA and it will positively reflect on the patients, god willing.
Hopefully, carrying out this message to produce total medical care will succeed to satisfy everybody’s expectation.
Dr. Sulaiman A. Al Habib
Chairmab of Al-Habib Medical Group
تسعى مجموعة د. سليمان الحبيب الطبية إلى متابعة آخر المستجدات الطبيــة فـي كافة التخصصات ويأتي هذا من خلال تنظيم المجموعــة الطبيـــة للعديد من المؤتمـرات العلمية العالمية. و سبـق أن تم تنظيم مؤتمرات عالمية عن أمراض الدم وكذلك عن علاج العقم والمساعدة على الإنجاب وغيرهــا من المؤتمـرات السنوية العلمية ، و تدعوا المجموعــة الطبية متحدثين عالمييـن من أمريكــا و أوروبــا و دول الشرق الأوسـط .
مؤتمر هذا العــام سوف نقــوم بتنظيمــــه بالتعاون مع مجمع عيادات الدكتـــور عبدالعزيز العجاجي لطب لأسنـان ، و قد تم أختيار محاورهامة جداً للتحدث عنهـا و مناقشة آخـر التطــورات العلميـة في تشخيصها وعلاجها في مجـــــال طب الأسنان ، نعتقد أن مؤتمراً عالميــا ًمثــل هذا المؤتمر سوف يُمكن أطبــاء الأسنان بالمملكة و الأخصائييـــن والفنييـــن من الإستفـادة منه وسينعكس ذلك بالإيجـاب على المرضى بــإذن الله .
نتمنـــى أن نوفــــق في تأديــة رسالتنــا لتقديم رعــاية طبيـة متكاملة لتكون في مستـوى تطلعـات الجميع.
والله الموفق ،،
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
د. سليمان بن عبدالعزيز الحبيب
Welcome Address
Dentistry alike other specialties progresses prompt in the Medical diagnostic techniques and treatments. This is the main objective to organize this conference in collaboration with Habib Medical Group.
This conference is under the supervision of Prince Faisal Ben Abdullah Ben Abdulaziz, the director of the Saudi Red crescent Association .This will twice over the responsibilities of the participants ,in order to provide the core of their knowledge in the field of dentistry.
We were keen to select the international speakers for this conference from various countries who have the leadership in diagnosis & treatment of dental cases, whom we expect they will endow the conference with all advance and new techniques.
We appointed special committees for selecting those speakers and also the issues to be discussed in the conference.
The increased concern of dental care enhance those scientists provide their researches and experience latest and advanced in dental diagnosis and treatment.
At the end we pray to Allah to guide all the speakers and participants to what lead to the best of human being.
Dr. Luis Gallardo Lopez is currently working as an Oral surgeon and impantologist at Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics and member of the scientific committee. He received a German specialist license in Oral surgery in 2003 and a PhD at the University of Heidelberg in 2005. His research activities are focused on clinical decision-making, implants and prostodontic treatment strategies.
Dr. Gallardo has given numerous courses nationally and internationally to academicians, specialists and general practitioners. Since 2000 he has published widely about dental implants, is co-author of published by International poster Journal in 2003 "Bone apposition on dental implants" 2005 this publication won the poster award at the world implant congress in New York as the best poster presentation.
Dr Ahmad Kanaan currently is the Medical Director of the Ajaji Polyclinic in Malaz. Dr. Kanaan completed all of his under graduate, graduate and post graduate degrees in the United States of America. Dr Kanaan completed a 3 years Fellowship in Oral Implantology at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in 1999. After completing this program, he became a consultant at the Maxillofacial Surgery department at the VA Medical Center from 1999 to 2006 in Detroit, Michigan.
Dr. Kanaan held a position as a clinical instructor at the University of Detroit Mercy from 1998 to 2003. Dr. Kanaan is also a Fellow in General Dentistry (FAGD). Less than 5% of all dentists in the United States have this designation from the Academy of General Dentistry.
Dr. Kanaan is a member of the Dental Implant Research Group that did the largest implant researches the United States. He published several articles and lectured nationally and internationally in the field of Implant dentistry.
May 27, 2009, 08:00 am – 01:00 pm
Presented by:
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
Al Ajaji Dental Poly Clinics in collaboration with Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group pleased to announce a Scientific Symposium on 27-28 May, 2009. The Distinguished international speakers from USA & Europe accompany with the famous local speakers will present state of art lectures on modern dentistry.
A large number of visitors are expected to attend the conference. This is a very good chance to market & promote your products, so we will invite you to acquire a booth in the exhibition for mass marketing.
Date : May 27-28, 2009
Venue : Towaiq Palace, Diplomatic Quarters, Riyadh- KSA
Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group
One Day Dental Treatment
Al Towaiq Palace, Diplomatic Quarter
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
27 – 28 May 2009
Welcome Address
Dr. Sulaiman Al-Habib Medical groups is seeking to proceeding the latest medical development in all specialization which comes through out organizing all the international medical conference. Previously, a lot of international conference about blood diseases, as well as sterility treatment and childbearing’s assistant and other of annual international conference.
The Medical groups are inviting international speaker from USA, Europe and the Middle East countries. The conference of this year is going to be organized in cooperation with Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Ajaji polyclinics. Very important topics have been selected to be interrogated, also the latest scientific developments of diagnosis and treatment which is related to dentistry.
Such an international conference will give a chance for dentist, specialists and dental technicians in KSA and it will positively reflect on the patients, god willing.
Hopefully, carrying out this message to produce total medical care will succeed to satisfy everybody’s expectation.
Dr. Sulaiman A. Al Habib
Chairmab of Al-Habib Medical Group
تسعى مجموعة د. سليمان الحبيب الطبية إلى متابعة آخر المستجدات الطبيــة فـي كافة التخصصات ويأتي هذا من خلال تنظيم المجموعــة الطبيـــة للعديد من المؤتمـرات العلمية العالمية. و سبـق أن تم تنظيم مؤتمرات عالمية عن أمراض الدم وكذلك عن علاج العقم والمساعدة على الإنجاب وغيرهــا من المؤتمـرات السنوية العلمية ، و تدعوا المجموعــة الطبية متحدثين عالمييـن من أمريكــا و أوروبــا و دول الشرق الأوسـط .
مؤتمر هذا العــام سوف نقــوم بتنظيمــــه بالتعاون مع مجمع عيادات الدكتـــور عبدالعزيز العجاجي لطب لأسنـان ، و قد تم أختيار محاورهامة جداً للتحدث عنهـا و مناقشة آخـر التطــورات العلميـة في تشخيصها وعلاجها في مجـــــال طب الأسنان ، نعتقد أن مؤتمراً عالميــا ًمثــل هذا المؤتمر سوف يُمكن أطبــاء الأسنان بالمملكة و الأخصائييـــن والفنييـــن من الإستفـادة منه وسينعكس ذلك بالإيجـاب على المرضى بــإذن الله .
نتمنـــى أن نوفــــق في تأديــة رسالتنــا لتقديم رعــاية طبيـة متكاملة لتكون في مستـوى تطلعـات الجميع.
والله الموفق ،،
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
د. سليمان بن عبدالعزيز الحبيب
Welcome Address
Dentistry alike other specialties progresses prompt in the Medical diagnostic techniques and treatments. This is the main objective to organize this conference in collaboration with Habib Medical Group.
This conference is under the supervision of Prince Faisal Ben Abdullah Ben Abdulaziz, the director of the Saudi Red crescent Association .This will twice over the responsibilities of the participants ,in order to provide the core of their knowledge in the field of dentistry.
We were keen to select the international speakers for this conference from various countries who have the leadership in diagnosis & treatment of dental cases, whom we expect they will endow the conference with all advance and new techniques.
We appointed special committees for selecting those speakers and also the issues to be discussed in the conference.
The increased concern of dental care enhance those scientists provide their researches and experience latest and advanced in dental diagnosis and treatment.
At the end we pray to Allah to guide all the speakers and participants to what lead to the best of human being.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Abdulaziz I. Al Ajaji
Chairman of Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics
الأسنـان كغيرها من التخصصات الأخرى التي يتسارع فيها التقـدم الطبي في التشخيص والعلاج .
من هذا المنطلق فإننا سعينا إلى تنظيــم هـذا المؤتمــر بالمشاركة مع مجموعة د. سليمــان الحبيب الطبيـة.
إن رعاية صاحــب السمو الملكي الأميــر فيصــل بن عبدالله بن عبدالعزيـز رئيـس جمعية الهلال الأحمر السعودي،ستضاعف المسئولية على المشاركيـن فيه لتقديم عصارة علمهم وفـكرهم في مجال طب الأسنــان .
وقد قمنا وبعناية فائقة بأختيار متحدثين عالميين لهذا المؤتمر من دول لها السبق في تشخيص وعلاج الأسنــان . وهؤلاء المتحدثين نعتقد أنهم سيثرون المؤتمر بإذن الله بماهو جديد وحديث .
لقد تم تكوين لجان خاصة لاختيار هؤلاء المتحدثين وكذلك لاختيار المواضيع التى سيتم تناولها في هذا المؤتمر.
إن الإهتمام بالأسنان جعل من هؤلاء العلماء أن يقدموا أبحاثهم وخبراتهم في نقاش كلما هو جديد وحديث في العــلاج
والتشخيص .
في الختام نسأل المولـى عز و جـل أن يوفق كل المشاركين والمتحدثين لما فيه خير البشرية.
والله الموفق ،،
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
د. عبدالعزيز إبراهيم العجاجي
Dr. Abdulaziz I. Al Ajaji
Chairman of Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics
الأسنـان كغيرها من التخصصات الأخرى التي يتسارع فيها التقـدم الطبي في التشخيص والعلاج .
من هذا المنطلق فإننا سعينا إلى تنظيــم هـذا المؤتمــر بالمشاركة مع مجموعة د. سليمــان الحبيب الطبيـة.
إن رعاية صاحــب السمو الملكي الأميــر فيصــل بن عبدالله بن عبدالعزيـز رئيـس جمعية الهلال الأحمر السعودي،ستضاعف المسئولية على المشاركيـن فيه لتقديم عصارة علمهم وفـكرهم في مجال طب الأسنــان .
وقد قمنا وبعناية فائقة بأختيار متحدثين عالميين لهذا المؤتمر من دول لها السبق في تشخيص وعلاج الأسنــان . وهؤلاء المتحدثين نعتقد أنهم سيثرون المؤتمر بإذن الله بماهو جديد وحديث .
لقد تم تكوين لجان خاصة لاختيار هؤلاء المتحدثين وكذلك لاختيار المواضيع التى سيتم تناولها في هذا المؤتمر.
إن الإهتمام بالأسنان جعل من هؤلاء العلماء أن يقدموا أبحاثهم وخبراتهم في نقاش كلما هو جديد وحديث في العــلاج
والتشخيص .
في الختام نسأل المولـى عز و جـل أن يوفق كل المشاركين والمتحدثين لما فيه خير البشرية.
والله الموفق ،،
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
د. عبدالعزيز إبراهيم العجاجي
Board Members
Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji
Scintific Committee
Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji
Scintific Committee
Dr. Mats Jontell
Dr. Nils Nobreus
Dr. Otto Gonzalez
Dr. Burt Vikstroem
Dr. Abdulaziz Al Amro
SWEDENDr. Reit is currently Professor and Chairman of the Department of Endodontology. He received a Swedish specialist license in Endodontology in 1984 and a PhD at the University of Gothenburg in 1986. His research activities are focused on clinical decision-making, endodontic treatment strategies and dental ethics.
Dr. Reit has given numerous courses nationally and internationally to academicians, specialists and general practitioners. He has published widely and is co-author of ”Textbook of Endodontology” published by Blackwell in 2003. Besides Endodontology Dr. Reit is also responsible for the graduate and postgraduate training in Moral philosophy and Dental ethics.
Dr. Reit has given numerous courses nationally and internationally to academicians, specialists and general practitioners. He has published widely and is co-author of ”Textbook of Endodontology” published by Blackwell in 2003. Besides Endodontology Dr. Reit is also responsible for the graduate and postgraduate training in Moral philosophy and Dental ethics.
Dr. Peter Lingström is Professor at the Department of Cariology, Institute of Odontology at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. He currently also holds a position as Visiting Professor at University of Sassari, Sardinia. He has long experience from teaching, research and clinical work and was 1995-1996 Visiting Scientist at Forsyth Dental Center, Boston, USA.
Dr. Fady Faddoul is a 1988 graduate of the Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine. He completed his Advanced Education in General Dentistry and Oral Medicine training at the Case School of Dental Medicine, as well as his Master of Science Degree in Oral Medicine in 1992.
Currently, Dr. Faddoul is Associate Professor and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Comprehensive Care at CWRU School of Dental Medicine, as well as the Director of both the Advanced Education in General Dentistry program and the Faculty Practice. Additionally, Dr. Faddoul serves as the director of the implant program and the Infection Control and safety Officer for the School of Dental Medicine. He has lectured extensively on the national and international arenas on the topics implants, infection control, medical emergencies, and the management of the medically compromised patients.
Dr. Faddoul is an active member of organized dentistry including the Organization of Safety and Aseptic Practice for Dentistry.
Currently, Dr. Faddoul is Associate Professor and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Comprehensive Care at CWRU School of Dental Medicine, as well as the Director of both the Advanced Education in General Dentistry program and the Faculty Practice. Additionally, Dr. Faddoul serves as the director of the implant program and the Infection Control and safety Officer for the School of Dental Medicine. He has lectured extensively on the national and international arenas on the topics implants, infection control, medical emergencies, and the management of the medically compromised patients.
Dr. Faddoul is an active member of organized dentistry including the Organization of Safety and Aseptic Practice for Dentistry.
Dr. Luis Gallardo Lopez is currently working as an Oral surgeon and impantologist at Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics and member of the scientific committee. He received a German specialist license in Oral surgery in 2003 and a PhD at the University of Heidelberg in 2005. His research activities are focused on clinical decision-making, implants and prostodontic treatment strategies.
Dr. Gallardo has given numerous courses nationally and internationally to academicians, specialists and general practitioners. Since 2000 he has published widely about dental implants, is co-author of published by International poster Journal in 2003 "Bone apposition on dental implants" 2005 this publication won the poster award at the world implant congress in New York as the best poster presentation.
Dr.Alejandro Ramirez currently is a consultant prosthodontist and esthetic restorative dentist for Dr. Abdulaziz Alajaji Dental Polyclinics.
He graduated as dentist in 1988, from Central University of Venezuela in Caracas Venezuela, and as specialist in Prosthdontist and Esthetic Restorative Dentistry from the same university in 1995.
Dr.Alejandro has been Consultant Prosthodontics and Esthetic Restorative Dentistry for Ciudad Guyana Dental Specialties Center (1995-1996) Maracay Dental Specialties center (2002-2005/1995-1996) and oral center in the city of Maracay (2005-2007). At the same time he had his private practice in Caracas limited to prosthodontics and Esthetic Restorative Dentistry.
He has publications and lectured national and internationally. He is member of Venezuelan Stomatologic Prosthesis Society and Venezuelan Operative Dentistry and Biomaterials Society.
Dr.Alejandro Ramirez currently is a consultant prosthodontist and esthetic restorative dentist for Dr. Abdulaziz Alajaji Dental Polyclinics.
He graduated as dentist in 1988, from Central University of Venezuela in Caracas Venezuela, and as specialist in Prosthdontist and Esthetic Restorative Dentistry from the same university in 1995.
Dr.Alejandro has been Consultant Prosthodontics and Esthetic Restorative Dentistry for Ciudad Guyana Dental Specialties Center (1995-1996) Maracay Dental Specialties center (2002-2005/1995-1996) and oral center in the city of Maracay (2005-2007). At the same time he had his private practice in Caracas limited to prosthodontics and Esthetic Restorative Dentistry.
He has publications and lectured national and internationally. He is member of Venezuelan Stomatologic Prosthesis Society and Venezuelan Operative Dentistry and Biomaterials Society.
Dr Ahmad Kanaan currently is the Medical Director of the Ajaji Polyclinic in Malaz. Dr. Kanaan completed all of his under graduate, graduate and post graduate degrees in the United States of America. Dr Kanaan completed a 3 years Fellowship in Oral Implantology at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in 1999. After completing this program, he became a consultant at the Maxillofacial Surgery department at the VA Medical Center from 1999 to 2006 in Detroit, Michigan.
Dr. Kanaan held a position as a clinical instructor at the University of Detroit Mercy from 1998 to 2003. Dr. Kanaan is also a Fellow in General Dentistry (FAGD). Less than 5% of all dentists in the United States have this designation from the Academy of General Dentistry.
Dr. Kanaan is a member of the Dental Implant Research Group that did the largest implant researches the United States. He published several articles and lectured nationally and internationally in the field of Implant dentistry.
Dr. Arango graduated as Dentist (DDS) at El Bosque University in Bogota-Colombia year 2000, he graduated as Endodoncist at Santo Tomas University in Bogota-Colombia year 2005. He is Member of the Colombian and Argentinian Endodontics Societies.
Dr. Arango worked at private practice in Bogota-Colombia since 2000 to 2007 both as Endodoncist and as General Dentist, and currently he is working at Dr. Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics since December 2007.
Dr. Arango graduated as Dentist (DDS) at El Bosque University in Bogota-Colombia year 2000, he graduated as Endodoncist at Santo Tomas University in Bogota-Colombia year 2005. He is Member of the Colombian and Argentinian Endodontics Societies.
Dr. Arango worked at private practice in Bogota-Colombia since 2000 to 2007 both as Endodoncist and as General Dentist, and currently he is working at Dr. Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics since December 2007.
Dr Chirvanian Graduated from the Lebanese University in 1988, he obtained his diploma in Restorative Dentistry in 1997. He began to teach since 1991 until 2006 as a Clinical Chief instructor in the Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry Department of the Dentistry School of the Lebanese University. He participated as lecturer in many dental symposiums.
Dr Chirvanian is also a CEREC 3D certified user. He also did seminars of Cosmetic Dentistry. He worked as a clinician in his clinic in Lebanon from 1988 to 2006. He then moved with Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr Chirvanian is also a CEREC 3D certified user. He also did seminars of Cosmetic Dentistry. He worked as a clinician in his clinic in Lebanon from 1988 to 2006. He then moved with Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dr.George Saccal is currently the head of continues education of the Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji Polyclinics. He completes his bachelor degree in Dentistry in the Lebanese University (1988), and then he went to Italy and worked as assistant surgeon in the Military Hospital in Florence Italy1991. He got the French board from 2002 to 2004.
Scientific Program
Day One : Wednesday, 27 May 2009
07:30 – 08:30 R E G I S T R A T I O N
11:00 – 12:00 O P E N I N G C E R E M O N Y
Scientific Program
Day One : Wednesday, 27 May 2009
07:30 – 08:30 R E G I S T R A T I O N
11:00 – 12:00 O P E N I N G C E R E M O N Y
Moderator: Dr. Luis Gallardo
Scientific Session 2 - Venue : Hall A
Moderator: Dr. Luis Gallardo
Scientific Session 2 - Venue : Hall A
Speaker: Mr. Georg Vogt
09:00 – 12:00
Initial product information – Cerec AC
12:00 – 12:30
Initial product information – Cerec AC
12:00 – 12:30
Prayer and Lunch
12:30 – 03:30
12:30 – 03:30
Detailed product information
Mr. Georg Vogt
03:30 – 04:00
Mr. Georg Vogt
03:30 – 04:00
Coffee Break
04:00 – 06:00
04:00 – 06:00
Cerec Demo Training
Mr. Georg Vogt
Mr. Georg Vogt
Moderator: Dr. Antonio Florez
08:30 – 10:30
Rotary System in Endodontics
“Protaper Universal”
Dr. Edmond Koyess
Rotary System in Endodontics
“Protaper Universal”
Dr. Edmond Koyess
10:30 – 10:45
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:45
Dr. Edmond Koyess
Dr. Edmond Koyess
12:45 – 01:15
Prayer and Lunch
Prayer and Lunch
01:15 – 01:45
Discussion and Closing
Dr. Edmond Koyess
Discussion and Closing
Dr. Edmond Koyess
Moderator: Dr. Ahmad Kanaan
Scientific Session 3 - Venue : Hall C
Scientific Session 3 - Venue : Hall C
10:00 – 11:00
Principles of CBCT
Mr. Sjon Grobbee
Principles of CBCT
Mr. Sjon Grobbee
11:00 – 12:00
Mr. Sjon Grobbee
Mr. Sjon Grobbee
12:00 – 01:00
Prayer and Lunch
01:00 – 02:00
Prayer and Lunch
01:00 – 02:00
Use of the CBCT equipment
Mr. Sjon Grobbee
02:00 – 03:00
Mr. Sjon Grobbee
02:00 – 03:00
Use of the CBCT Data
Mr. Sjon Grobbee
Mr. Sjon Grobbee
Moderator: Dr. George Saccal
Scientific Session 4 - Venue : Hall B
Scientific Session 4 - Venue : Hall B
02:00 – 03:00
History of Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
History of Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
03:00 – 03:30
Prayer Break
03:30 – 04:30
Prayer Break
03:30 – 04:30
Home Whitening, In Office Whitening
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
04:30 – 05:00
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
04:30 – 05:00
Coffee Break
05:00 – 06:00
Whitening Workshop
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
05:00 – 06:00
Whitening Workshop
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
Moderator: Mr. Shukri Eiad
Scientific Session 5 - Venue : HMG
Scientific Session 5 - Venue : HMG
09:00 – 12:00
Overview and Comparison
(Cerec inLab)
Overview and Comparison
(Cerec inLab)
Mr. Thomas Konietzny
12:00 – 12:30
12:00 – 12:30
Prayer and Lunch
12:30 – 03:30
12:30 – 03:30
Indication Implant Work and Crown and Bridges
Mr. Thomas Konietzny
03:30 – 04:00
Mr. Thomas Konietzny
03:30 – 04:00
Coffee Break
04:00 – 06:00
04:00 – 06:00
Materials Property and Indications
Mr. Thomas Konietzny
Mr. Thomas Konietzny
Moderator: Dr. Claudia Carrascal
Scientific Session 6 - Venue : Hall D
Scientific Session 6 - Venue : Hall D
08:30 – 09:15
Using Laser in Soft Tissue Procedures
Dr. Nukhet Berk
Using Laser in Soft Tissue Procedures
Dr. Nukhet Berk
09:15 – 10:15
Laser in Daily Practice
10:15 – 10:30
Coffee Break
Laser in Daily Practice
10:15 – 10:30
Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:15
Laser in Hard Tissue Procedures
Laser in Hard Tissue Procedures
Dr. Nukhet Berk
11:15 – 12:15
Laser in Daily Practice
12:15 – 01:15
Prayer and Lunch
Scientific Session 7 - Venue : Hall D
01:15 – 02:00
Using Laser in Soft Tissue Procedures
11:15 – 12:15
Laser in Daily Practice
12:15 – 01:15
Prayer and Lunch
Scientific Session 7 - Venue : Hall D
01:15 – 02:00
Using Laser in Soft Tissue Procedures
Dr. Nukhet Berk
02:00 – 03:00
02:00 – 03:00
Laser in Daily Practice
Dr. Nukhet Berk
03:00 – 03:30
Dr. Nukhet Berk
03:00 – 03:30
Prayer and Coffee Break
03:30 – 04:15
03:30 – 04:15
Laser in Hard Tissue Procedures
Dr. Nukhet Berk
04:15 – 05:15
Dr. Nukhet Berk
04:15 – 05:15
Day Two: Thursday, 28 May 2009
8:00 – 8:30 R E G I S T R A T I O N
Moderator: Dr. Ahmad Kanaan
Main Auditorium
09:00 – 09:45
The Pros and Cons of One-Appointment Endodontics
Dr. Claes Reit
09:50 – 10:35
Dental Caries – from Examination to Treatment Decision
Dr. Peter Lingstrom
10:45 – 11:30
Updates in Immediate Implants
Dr. Fady Faddoul
11:30 – 12:00
Discussion and Closing
12:00 – 01:00
Prayer and Lunch
Moderator: Dr. George Saccal
Main Auditorium
01:30 – 04:00
“One Day Dental Treatment”
Dr. Ahmad Kanaan
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
Dr. Antonio Florez
Dr. Alejandro Ramirez
Dr. Luis Gallardo
Mr. Shukri Eiad
Ms. Annaleah Sharie
One Day Dental Treatment Team
Discussion and Closing
Prayer and Coffee Break
8:00 – 8:30 R E G I S T R A T I O N
Moderator: Dr. Ahmad Kanaan
Main Auditorium
09:00 – 09:45
The Pros and Cons of One-Appointment Endodontics
Dr. Claes Reit
09:50 – 10:35
Dental Caries – from Examination to Treatment Decision
Dr. Peter Lingstrom
10:45 – 11:30
Updates in Immediate Implants
Dr. Fady Faddoul
11:30 – 12:00
Discussion and Closing
12:00 – 01:00
Prayer and Lunch
Moderator: Dr. George Saccal
Main Auditorium
01:30 – 04:00
“One Day Dental Treatment”
Dr. Ahmad Kanaan
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
Dr. Antonio Florez
Dr. Alejandro Ramirez
Dr. Luis Gallardo
Mr. Shukri Eiad
Ms. Annaleah Sharie
One Day Dental Treatment Team
Discussion and Closing
Prayer and Coffee Break
One Day Dental Treatment Team
Final Discussions
Prayer and Coffee Break
Teeth BleachingFinal Discussions
Prayer and Coffee Break
May 27, 2009, 08:00 am – 01:00 pm
Presented by:
Dr. Raffi Chirvanian
Ex-Instructor in the School of Dentistry
Lebanese University
Esthetic & Restorative Dentistry
Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics
Ex-Instructor in the School of Dentistry
Lebanese University
Esthetic & Restorative Dentistry
Dr. Abdulaziz Al Ajaji Dental Polyclinics
Bleaching in the Dental Daily practice is now becoming a must since the patients ask for it as a routine Dental treatment. As the media is focusing on it every single day we see people, Movie Stars… with a dazzling white smile, the patients are becoming more demanding.
The Bleaching Course will deal with topics such as the “History of Cosmetic Dentistry” that will cover up 3 parts: the histories of General Dentistry, then Restorative, ending up with the Bleaching. It will follow by the “Home Bleaching” then by the “In Office Bleaching” techniques. A live demo will ensue on a patient. Both Dentists and Dental Hygienists can follow up the course which is explained in a step by step easy to follow and apply it to their clinical daily practice.
Protaper of Endo
May 27, 2009, 01:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Presented by:
Dr. Koyess Edmond
President of the Lebanese Society of Endodontology
After twenty years of introduction of the NiTi material in the endodontic field, we can actually evaluate the feed-back regarding:
1- The improvements this material produced.
2- The draw-backs when they exist.
3- The state-of the-art regarding new features and specifications.
4- The future trends and perspectives regarding the use of new material and designs.
5- The public health considerations regarding cross-contamination problems.
Cerec® 3D
May 27, 2009, 09:00 am – 06:00 pm
Presented by:
Mr. Joerg Vogt
Chief Cerec Trainer – Sirona Bensheim Germany
This course will discuss in detail esthetic techniques for restoration of fractured anterior teeth, direct composite veneers, diastoma closure, and state-of-the-art adhesive dentistry. Your questions on esthetic composite material selection, shade layering technique and other CEREC-related esthetic dentistry issues will be answered from an academic perspective, based on literature review and actual clinical cases completed using the CEREC 3D method. The second half of this course will focus on utilizing CEREC 3D’s NEW biometric software's masters level options for inlay/onlay preparation design, staining and glazing of Cerec ceramic restorations, cementation materials, options and techniques.
Laser Application on our Daily Practice
May 27, 2009, 09:00 am – 06:00 pm
Venue : Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group (HMG)
Dental Department - 4th floor
The Bleaching Course will deal with topics such as the “History of Cosmetic Dentistry” that will cover up 3 parts: the histories of General Dentistry, then Restorative, ending up with the Bleaching. It will follow by the “Home Bleaching” then by the “In Office Bleaching” techniques. A live demo will ensue on a patient. Both Dentists and Dental Hygienists can follow up the course which is explained in a step by step easy to follow and apply it to their clinical daily practice.
Protaper of Endo
May 27, 2009, 01:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Presented by:
Dr. Koyess Edmond
President of the Lebanese Society of Endodontology
After twenty years of introduction of the NiTi material in the endodontic field, we can actually evaluate the feed-back regarding:
1- The improvements this material produced.
2- The draw-backs when they exist.
3- The state-of the-art regarding new features and specifications.
4- The future trends and perspectives regarding the use of new material and designs.
5- The public health considerations regarding cross-contamination problems.
Cerec® 3D
May 27, 2009, 09:00 am – 06:00 pm
Presented by:
Mr. Joerg Vogt
Chief Cerec Trainer – Sirona Bensheim Germany
This course will discuss in detail esthetic techniques for restoration of fractured anterior teeth, direct composite veneers, diastoma closure, and state-of-the-art adhesive dentistry. Your questions on esthetic composite material selection, shade layering technique and other CEREC-related esthetic dentistry issues will be answered from an academic perspective, based on literature review and actual clinical cases completed using the CEREC 3D method. The second half of this course will focus on utilizing CEREC 3D’s NEW biometric software's masters level options for inlay/onlay preparation design, staining and glazing of Cerec ceramic restorations, cementation materials, options and techniques.
Laser Application on our Daily Practice
May 27, 2009, 09:00 am – 06:00 pm
Venue : Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group (HMG)
Dental Department - 4th floor
Presented by:
Dr. Nukhet Berk
DDs, PhD
President of Mediterranean Oral Laser Congress
While making the treatment plan of our patients we have to think of the interdisciplinary treatment techniques and the new technologies. This would make us a very successful dentist with the high level of patient satisfaction.
Especially the possibility of cavity preparation without anesthesia or the reshaping of gingiva without any anesthesia and bleeding improves their attitude toward dental treatments. Lasers which are on the market today can ease our job compared to conventional techniques and let our patients to stay calmer on our chair .Besides ;lasers create a chance to treat patients as the pregnant ladies in the first 3 months or the people with allergies to local anesthetics or with any other complications.
The first Laser device was invented in 1960 at USA by Theodore Maiman. Some dentists think or talk as the lasers are still in experimental period or they need to be developed, which is not true. For using the lasers in the mouth; FDA gave the first approval to soft tissue lasers in 1980 and then to hard tissue lasers in 1997. The most important thing in laser use is; the doctors need to be trained at least about basic laser physics and gained skill in using the device. Also the doctors should know that there’s different interaction in the tissues with different lasers so the laser type should be chosen accordingly.
In this presentation treatment examples of a 30 year of professionalism using 3 different laser types (810 nm. Diyode & 2 different 2780nm Er.Cr.:YSGG Lasers) in oral cavity will be presented.
Cerec inLab®
May 27, 2009, 09:00 am – 06:00 pm
Venue : Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group (HMG)
Dental Department - 4th floor
Presented by:
Mr. Tomas
Lecturers Abstracts
The Pros and Cons of One-Appointment Endodontics
Over the years, different approaches to prevent or combat endodontic infections have been in vogue. From an initial focus on strong antiseptics and several treatment sessions researchers and clinicians of today try to find scientifically sound methods to complete root canal therapy in one appointment. Not least the revolutionary technological development in endodontics has made such a strategy possible. The lecture will discuss the scientific basis for one-appointment endodontics as well as present different antimicrobial treatment strategies.
Dental Caries – from Examination to Decision
In spite of an improved dental health worldwide during the last decades, dental caries still constitutes a major problem for individuals in all age groups. The modern evidence-based practice strives to ensure that each patient receives the best treatment available in a cost- and time effective manner. For this, it is important with optimal clinical diagnostic measures as well as to identify the individual at risk. Further handling of the patient from a caries perspective should address both the disease itself as well as its clinical symptoms. This lecture will focus on strategies for disease management in the clinic from both perspectives.
Updates in Immediate Implants
Immediate dental implants are becoming popular in our practices. Immediate loading approach, whether in intact ridges or at the time of tooth extraction, are highly dependent upon a number of diagnostic and technical considerations. Careful treatment planning and identification of appropriate patients is very important for a successful outcome. This lecture will show different clinical cases with a comprehensive review of the indications, limitations, variations in placement and clinical protocol of immediate implants.
One Day Dental Treatment
Due to the busy life-style for a lot of people and due to some patient’s apprehension to dental treatment, we are trying to find a way to complete a comprehensive treatment plan for these patients in one day. We want also to make sure that the quality of the dental treatment that is being given during the one day is the same as the quality that we give our regular patients. So, the objective of this presentation is to test our ability to complete a comprehensive treatment plan in one day with the same high quality.
These patients will be examined and evaluated under specific criteria. The case coordinator will collect all of the diagnostic casts and radiographs. Intra-oral and extra-oral examination will be made. Medical history will also be evaluated to determine the initial qualification for these patients for the one day treatment. The case coordinator will call for a meeting with the “One Day Dental Treatment” team. This team includes: Periodontist / Dental Hygienest, GP / Restorative, Prosthodontist, Endodontist, Oral Surgeon, Implantologist and Dental Laboratory Technician. The team will evaluate all of the data collected and decide if the case qualifies for the One Day Dental Treatment. If the case meets the criteria, the treatment will be sequenced and the case will be scheduled. The case coordinator will be responsible for the running of the case during the day. There were a specific room assigned for the One Day Dental Treatment cases. Each doctor during the day will have a normal schedule to see other patients.
From our experience, it is possible to complete a patient’s treatment plan in one day if you have criteria for patient’s selection. A high quality treatment can be accomplished if you have a team of specialists performing the treatment. Now we can accommodate the busy life-style and apprehensive patients to get their dental treatment done in One Day.
DDs, PhD
President of Mediterranean Oral Laser Congress
While making the treatment plan of our patients we have to think of the interdisciplinary treatment techniques and the new technologies. This would make us a very successful dentist with the high level of patient satisfaction.
Especially the possibility of cavity preparation without anesthesia or the reshaping of gingiva without any anesthesia and bleeding improves their attitude toward dental treatments. Lasers which are on the market today can ease our job compared to conventional techniques and let our patients to stay calmer on our chair .Besides ;lasers create a chance to treat patients as the pregnant ladies in the first 3 months or the people with allergies to local anesthetics or with any other complications.
The first Laser device was invented in 1960 at USA by Theodore Maiman. Some dentists think or talk as the lasers are still in experimental period or they need to be developed, which is not true. For using the lasers in the mouth; FDA gave the first approval to soft tissue lasers in 1980 and then to hard tissue lasers in 1997. The most important thing in laser use is; the doctors need to be trained at least about basic laser physics and gained skill in using the device. Also the doctors should know that there’s different interaction in the tissues with different lasers so the laser type should be chosen accordingly.
In this presentation treatment examples of a 30 year of professionalism using 3 different laser types (810 nm. Diyode & 2 different 2780nm Er.Cr.:YSGG Lasers) in oral cavity will be presented.
Cerec inLab®
May 27, 2009, 09:00 am – 06:00 pm
Venue : Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group (HMG)
Dental Department - 4th floor
Presented by:
Mr. Tomas
Lecturers Abstracts
The Pros and Cons of One-Appointment Endodontics
Over the years, different approaches to prevent or combat endodontic infections have been in vogue. From an initial focus on strong antiseptics and several treatment sessions researchers and clinicians of today try to find scientifically sound methods to complete root canal therapy in one appointment. Not least the revolutionary technological development in endodontics has made such a strategy possible. The lecture will discuss the scientific basis for one-appointment endodontics as well as present different antimicrobial treatment strategies.
Dental Caries – from Examination to Decision
In spite of an improved dental health worldwide during the last decades, dental caries still constitutes a major problem for individuals in all age groups. The modern evidence-based practice strives to ensure that each patient receives the best treatment available in a cost- and time effective manner. For this, it is important with optimal clinical diagnostic measures as well as to identify the individual at risk. Further handling of the patient from a caries perspective should address both the disease itself as well as its clinical symptoms. This lecture will focus on strategies for disease management in the clinic from both perspectives.
Updates in Immediate Implants
Immediate dental implants are becoming popular in our practices. Immediate loading approach, whether in intact ridges or at the time of tooth extraction, are highly dependent upon a number of diagnostic and technical considerations. Careful treatment planning and identification of appropriate patients is very important for a successful outcome. This lecture will show different clinical cases with a comprehensive review of the indications, limitations, variations in placement and clinical protocol of immediate implants.
One Day Dental Treatment
Due to the busy life-style for a lot of people and due to some patient’s apprehension to dental treatment, we are trying to find a way to complete a comprehensive treatment plan for these patients in one day. We want also to make sure that the quality of the dental treatment that is being given during the one day is the same as the quality that we give our regular patients. So, the objective of this presentation is to test our ability to complete a comprehensive treatment plan in one day with the same high quality.
These patients will be examined and evaluated under specific criteria. The case coordinator will collect all of the diagnostic casts and radiographs. Intra-oral and extra-oral examination will be made. Medical history will also be evaluated to determine the initial qualification for these patients for the one day treatment. The case coordinator will call for a meeting with the “One Day Dental Treatment” team. This team includes: Periodontist / Dental Hygienest, GP / Restorative, Prosthodontist, Endodontist, Oral Surgeon, Implantologist and Dental Laboratory Technician. The team will evaluate all of the data collected and decide if the case qualifies for the One Day Dental Treatment. If the case meets the criteria, the treatment will be sequenced and the case will be scheduled. The case coordinator will be responsible for the running of the case during the day. There were a specific room assigned for the One Day Dental Treatment cases. Each doctor during the day will have a normal schedule to see other patients.
From our experience, it is possible to complete a patient’s treatment plan in one day if you have criteria for patient’s selection. A high quality treatment can be accomplished if you have a team of specialists performing the treatment. Now we can accommodate the busy life-style and apprehensive patients to get their dental treatment done in One Day.
Al Ajaji Dental Poly Clinics in collaboration with Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group pleased to announce a Scientific Symposium on 27-28 May, 2009. The Distinguished international speakers from USA & Europe accompany with the famous local speakers will present state of art lectures on modern dentistry.
A large number of visitors are expected to attend the conference. This is a very good chance to market & promote your products, so we will invite you to acquire a booth in the exhibition for mass marketing.
Date : May 27-28, 2009
Venue : Towaiq Palace, Diplomatic Quarters, Riyadh- KSA
Mr. Kashif Naeem
Ph. 4622224 Ext. 1764
Mr. Kashif Naeem
Ph. 4622224 Ext. 1764
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